Vehicle Maintenance

  • Tips for Better Gas Mileage

    fuel gauge on a vehicle

    Your gas mileage mostly depends on what kind of car you drive; engine displacement and vehicle weight are the largest determining factors on gas mileage, and there’s not much you can do to change either of those. That doesn’t mean attempting to improve your fuel economy is a completely hopeless endeavor, however. With these tips from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, you might be surprised how much your fuel mileage can be improved.

  • Tips for Better Gas Mileage

    fuel gauge on a vehicle

    Your gas mileage mostly depends on what kind of car you drive; engine displacement and vehicle weight are the largest determining factors on gas mileage, and there’s not much you can do to change either of those. That doesn’t mean attempting to improve your fuel economy is a completely hopeless endeavor, however. With these tips from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, you might be surprised how much your fuel mileage can be improved.

  • Tips for Improving the Longevity of Your Clutch

    Car clutch

    At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, we’ve witnessed our fair share of burnt out and broken clutches. While clutch failure is an inevitability, there are a variety of ways to make sure yours lasts as long as possible.

  • Tips for Improving the Longevity of Your Clutch

    Car clutch

    At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, we’ve witnessed our fair share of burnt out and broken clutches. While clutch failure is an inevitability, there are a variety of ways to make sure yours lasts as long as possible.

  • Tips to Keep your Fleet Running for Miles

    group of fleet vehicles

    It’s easier than ever to keep your fleet running smoothly for thousands of miles. If a vehicle has less than 50,000 miles on it today, chances are it still has 75 percent of its driving life ahead of it. That’s good news if you’re a company managing a fleet of vehicles. It wasn’t that long ago that hitting the 100,000-mile mark on the odometer was a major milestone. Today, vehicles are built to last. With the proper maintenance and attention, there’s no reason you shouldn’t expect to see that 50,000-mile reading on the odometer one day roll right past 200,000 and keep ongoing. Here at Dennis Road Automotive, we're going to give you some tips on how to make that happen!

  • Tips To Taking Care Of Your Vehicle

    Car Lifted

    At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, we know that the first and most important step toward keeping your car, truck, or SUV reliably on the road, is knowing how to properly care for it. Here are a few tips on how to keep your vehicle in shape.

  • Tips To Taking Care Of Your Vehicle

    Car Lifted

    At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, we know that the first and most important step toward keeping your car, truck, or SUV reliably on the road, is knowing how to properly care for it. Here are a few tips on how to keep your vehicle in shape.

  • Top 3 Signs Your Brakes Are Done

    car braking

    Judging by the number of near-rear-endings we witness on our morning commutes, the typical attitude toward brake maintenance appears to be, “Brakes: Don’t let them stop you!” This puzzles us because monitoring your braking system’s health is one of the most straightforward aspects of car ownership. You do have to know what to look for, though, or rather, what to listen and feel for. So let us, uh, break it down for you. Here are the top three signs that your brakes need fixing.

  • Top 3 Signs Your Brakes Are Done

    car braking

    Judging by the number of near-rear-endings we witness on our morning commutes, the typical attitude toward brake maintenance appears to be, “Brakes: Don’t let them stop you!” This puzzles us because monitoring your braking system’s health is one of the most straightforward aspects of car ownership. You do have to know what to look for, though, or rather, what to listen and feel for. So let us, uh, break it down for you. Here are the top three signs that your brakes need fixing.

  • Top Questions to Ask About Routine Service

    Vehicle Rack in a shop

    Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance here at Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, where we are good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your car. You know when your car feels off when it's been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop;

  • Top Questions to Ask About Routine Service

    Vehicle Rack in a shop

    Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance here at Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, where we are good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your car. You know when your car feels off when it's been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop;

  • Transmissions - the key to better fuel economy

    automatic transmission

    There have been a lot of technological advancements, and breakthroughs in efficiency to make modern cars, trucks, and SUVs so much more fuel-efficient than their counterparts. While engine design certainly plays a huge role, automatic transmissions have come a long way as well, contributing greatly to the gas mileage of your vehicle. From Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, here are some ways transmissions have changed to meet the demands of fuel efficiency.

  • Travelling this weekend? Get Ready

    kids traveling in the car

    Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX.

  • Travelling this weekend? Get Ready

    kids traveling in the car

    Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX.

  • Trouble Shifting? Why You May Need To Add Fluid/Gear Oil To Your Manual Transmission!

    Manual transmissions require far less maintenance than automatics. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a fluid check from time to time. Here’s what you should know about checking and adding fluid to your manual transmission, from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX.

  • Trouble Shifting? Why You May Need To Add Fluid/Gear Oil To Your Manual Transmission!

    Manual transmissions require far less maintenance than automatics. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a fluid check from time to time. Here’s what you should know about checking and adding fluid to your manual transmission, from Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX.

  • Using Your Jumper Cables

    Man with jumper cables

    At some point or another, it’ll happen to you. You leave your headlights on, your battery finally fails, or for some other reason, you don’t have enough juice to start your car. Don’t call a tow truck just yet, though...Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas has the info you need to properly jump-start your car.

  • Using Your Jumper Cables

    Man with jumper cables

    At some point or another, it’ll happen to you. You leave your headlights on, your battery finally fails, or for some other reason, you don’t have enough juice to start your car. Don’t call a tow truck just yet, though...Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas has the info you need to properly jump-start your car.

  • Valve Adjustment are an essential part for keeping your car running

    Valves on car

    In the realm of performance engines, valve adjustments are an essential part of keeping your car running its best. When you add customization to the mix, valve timing becomes even more critical, and it’s important the technician adjusting them really knows their stuff. At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, we’ve got you covered.

  • Valve Adjustment are an essential part for keeping your car running

    Valves on car

    In the realm of performance engines, valve adjustments are an essential part of keeping your car running its best. When you add customization to the mix, valve timing becomes even more critical, and it’s important the technician adjusting them really knows their stuff. At Dennis Road Automotive in Dallas, TX, we’ve got you covered.

11155 Dennis Rd | Dallas, TX
(972) 241-1901
MON-THU | 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
FRIDAY | 8 PM - 5 PM

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